Searching for old sheet music?
You're in the right place for the best secondhand music hits archive from pre-1950s to the 1980s. Whether it's to play from, frame or simply remember those old songs, try our song listings. Sheet music listed by song title, composer, lyricist, singer or date of publication. Whether it's Gracie Fields, George Formby, Ketelbey, Ezra Reid, Theo Bonheur, Russ Conway, Winifred Atwell, Cliff Richard, Elvis Presley,The Shadows, The Beatles, beat groups, music hall or variety, you'll find it all here.
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1937 - Yours
1940 - Don't Ever Pass Me By
1940 - How did he look
1941 - We both told a lie
1942 - All the world sings a lullaby
1943 - I love to sing
1944 - No other love
1952 - Auf Weiderseh'n Sweetheart
P Goodhand-Tait, Heather Cottage, Hangersley, Ringwood, Hants. BH24 3JP, UK